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5 Reasons You Should be Talking About Moving

If you’re like most people, you’re thinking on moving goes something like the following.

You find yourself thinking more and more about moving. But then you think it’s too much of a hassle to deal with. Then, when you don’t do anything, you find yourself starting to think more and more about moving, again.

And so it goes, circling around and around. Making a move is a major life change, whether you are moving across the state or across the country. It can be hard to make that final decision to get the process going.

The first thing to know about moving is that fears about the hassle of it all shouldn’t stop you, because moving really isn’t as bad as you think. But once you get past those fears, what are some good reasons you should be thinking about moving?

Consider these five reasons, which are ones we’ve come across a lot in our years of working as full-service movers in South Florida.

Buying a Home

Most people start out their adult lives renting an apartment until they accumulate enough money to make a down payment on a home. Home ownership is a smart move, as you build equity over time. It’s time to start talking about moving when you know you have the money to buy a home and a great house in a neighborhood you like has become available. Those chances don’t happen every day. You have to make a move when they arise.


Some people bought a home years ago to raise a family, send the kids to good schools, and have all the conveniences a great neighborhood offers. Now, the kids have finished school and moved out, and you suddenly find yourself with a very large empty nest you don’t need. In this situation, it’s smart to consider moving to a smaller place, such as a townhouse or smaller home.

Downsizing also is a popular move for those who have experienced life changes, such as divorce, marriage, or moving in with a significant other.


Maybe you and your significant other bought a home thinking you would have one child, but then you had three! Now, the first home you bought no longer seems large enough. Or, as kids age, they need their own room and space, and a larger home is needed. Better neighborhoods with better schools also often drive people to make an upgrade in their living situation.

New Job

This is another common reason for a move, especially for those leaving South Florida for another part of the state or another part of the country. An excellent job with better pay and better chances for promotion can tip the scales in the favor of making a move. If you’re considering a great job in another city, then talking about moving is part of the deal.

The commute to your current job also can be a strong reason to move. Sometimes, a long commute that seemed doable when it started becomes a burden as the years roll on. Wanting to live closer to your office is another work-related reason to talk about moving.

You Want a Change

This is the wildcard among the reasons you should be talking about moving. We’ve seen it happen with young singles, middle-aged couples, and seniors. Sometimes, people just want to make a change. There can be any number of reasons. Some we’ve heard include:

  • You want to move to a bigger city
  • You want to move to the country
  • You’ve always loved visiting a certain place, and now you want to live there
  • You’re retired and want to move to a sunnier location
  • You’ve got new hobbies and interests – for example, you now love hiking or mountain biking and you want to move to the mountains
  • You moved away from family long ago for a job or to go to school, and now you want to move closer to them again

Any of these reasons are good ones for talking about moving. Just make sure to hire a quality mover and take the stress out of your move. Make your decision based on what you really want to do, not fear how hard it is to move!


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